The Universal Cylindrical and Internal Grinding Machine with Grinding Length 450 mm of model BPI-450 is used in various industrial applications. Bhgawan Products [INDIA] manufactures Universal Cylindrical and Internal Grinding Machine with Grinding Length 450 mm.
Bhgawan Products [INDIA] supplies machinery parts of Grinder Machine, Vanaspati Plants, Refinery, Cattle Feed Plants and Sugar Industries. The standard equipments of Universal Cylindrical and Internal Grinding Machine with Grinding Length 450 mm are With all Electrical i.E. Motors & Electrical Panels, Coolant Pump & Tank with Piping Grinding wheel with One Flange; One Dresser with Dresser Holder, One lamp, 2 head Centers, water Guards, wheel spanner & Puller.
Extra Accessories of Universal Cylindrical and Internal Grinding Machine with Grinding Length 450 mm are: